Definition Essay format? As the title suggests, this is a description essay. It basically requires you to come out with your own unique academic definition for any given word. The word itself cannot be defined. In order to get it there, you have to come up with a description of the word itself.
The academic definition can either be an abstract or concrete description of the word in question. For example, if you’re writing a paper about a particular term, it’s impossible to give an exact description of the term. If you do, it will just be a meaningless sentence. You have to have some type of description. So you could say something like: “This term defines a lot of different things.” But again, you cannot provide an exact description because no one can come up with one.
So, instead, a concrete description has to be created for the term. You could write something like: “This term is commonly used in writing and speaking for different purposes such as in a paper, in a book or when speaking to friends, family members and colleagues. In the case that it’s used in the workplace, it refers to an individual who performs the job of an expert or professional, in contrast to an employee, which refers to a person hired by a business for work purposes.”
This gives the reader a clearer idea of what the term is used for. It’s an easier task to give a precise description than it is to give an abstract description, but it still isn’t as difficult as one may think.
Another way to describe a particular term in a written essay is to use a description that doesn’t include the term. Instead, you could write: “This particular term is used in writing for several reasons, but primarily, it refers to a certain concept.” Or, even better, you could simply use the term in the first paragraph of the essay itself.
An example of this would be in a science-related essay. In this case, instead of using a description that contains the term, you could write, “There are various theories in physics that describe the way light interacts with matter or energy in our world.”
In a writing assignment like this, the description and definition will be interdependent in nature. That is, they must relate in such a way that each element of the essay makes sense without the other.
Example, when writing a paper on evolution, for example, you could write, “The theory behind evolution states that all living things are the result of changes brought about by external forces, such as sun exposure and environmental temperature.” In a paper on astronomy, you could write, “Astronomy states that the universe was created at the Big Bang, is filled with stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, and that those are moving around the center of the galaxy.” And finally, in an essay on grammar, you could write: “Grammar theory says that there is only one correct style of grammar, namely English grammar.”
In other words, even though you might not have the exact term in mind, you need to know enough to write it in such a way that the writer makes sense. This is why it’s important to keep all aspects of the essay in mind and write in an orderly, logical fashion.
You might also use this description in a journal, when you want to explain what it means. For example, if you want to explain the definition of a word, such as “hypothetical,” you could write, “A hypothetical is an idea that is not based on fact.” This helps make your explanation sound more scientific.
There are many places you can use this description in an essay. A personal essay is one of the best uses for it, especially if it is the start of an explanation of some scientific or technical term that may be confusing.
The academic essay is perhaps the most important use for this type of format, since the academic essay is a chance to explore the concepts being discussed in an organized manner. Because of its importance, it is important to use the right format so the information is easy to understand.